The three most popular articles this year have been about riders successfully obtaining justice either in beating incorrect fines or, in once case, getting a driver fined for road rage. In all cases we are happy to say that Motorbike Writer has played a role.
Lane filter justice
The most popular article was the end result of last year’s most popular article about a driver who put his arm out the window to stop a Newcastle rider legally filtering through traffic.
We published the original article in November 2017 with this video, but police weren’t interested.
But with pressure from the rider and MBW, police eventually fined the driver in January 2018 under Rule 268 (3): Part of body outside vehicle window/door – $325 fine, 3 demerits.
Without the rider’s helmet camera video, the rider might never have won justice.
It is an important example why some state governments should amend laws to allow cameras on helmets.
Standing on footpegs

The second most popular article was about South Australian police dropping a rider’s fine for standing on the footpegs.
Adelaide rider Tim Byrne says he was fined for standing up while riding through some roadworks in January 2018 despite the practice being legalised in South Australia in 2016 and added to the Australian Road Rules this year.
Click here to read about the new ARRs.
Motorbike Writer then set Tim up with Maurice Blackburn Lawyers who took on the case a pro bono (free) basis as a “matter of principle”.
As a result, a police supervisor decided to drop the fine.
Helmet sticker

In the third most popular article, Victorian Police withdrew a fine against a rider for not having an external compliance sticker on his Australian-approved motorcycle helmet.
The fact is, you can remove your helmet sticker. Click here to read our advice to riders.
So we suggested rider Alasdair “Ted” Cameron challenge the $371 fine through Maurice Blackburn Lawyers.
Senior associate Katie Minogue said she was confident her client had a “strong enough case” and was looking forward to their day in court.
However, at the last minute, VicPol have withdrawn the fine.
Once again, this means the issue has not been dealt with in court so no legal precedent has been set.
Motorbike Writer is happy to help you seek justice by promoting your cause. Click here to send us details of your incident.
Most popular
While these were the most popular new articles in 2018, our most popular reads for the year were older advice articles.
Our perennial top read seems to be our tips on washing your motorbike.
Second is an article about the correct tyre pressures for your bike, followed by what are the lowest seat heights with a comprehensive list of all motorcycle seat heights.
They are followed by advice on how to avoid a tank slapper, when to replace your helmet and even how and when to do the motorcycle wave!