Gracias al circuito de Ricardo Tormo, a la organización y a los aficionados por escoger el cartel del GP de Valencia de este año. Va a ser sin duda un GP muy emotivo y especial para mí y lo espero con mucha ilusión. /Thanks to the Ricardo Tormo circuit, the organization and the fans for choosing the poster for this year’s Valencia GP. It will undoubtedly be a very emotional and special GP for me and I look forward to it.
#DP26 #ValenciaGP #motogp #circuitricardotormo #circuitvalencia

Source: Dani Pedrosa on Facebook

Just grab motorcycle insurance quote from Swann, by the 8th of October 2018 for your chance to WIN an Epic Island Weekend! And to make the deal even sweeter, we’re also offering a 10%* discount on your quote. Just make sure you enter the promo code SWANN10. This Epic Island Weekend for two includes a course car lap, seats in the Stoner Pavilion Grandstand and Pit Wall Canopy, tours, flights, accommodation & more! Call 13RIDE (137433) or visit to get a quote and for full terms and conditions. If you’re already covered with Swann, we’ll be in touch by email with details on how to enter. *10% discount applies the motorcycle insurance only excluding roadside and personal assistance if selected. Available to new customers only and minimum premium applies. This discount cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer. Offer ends 11:59pm AEDT on 30 November 2018 unless otherwise advised by Swann Insurance.
Source: Jack Miller on Facebook
¡Jorge Prado campeón del mundo de MX2!💥¡Felicidades crack! 🙌🏻

Source: Dani Pedrosa on Facebook
P5. ¡Gracias a toda la afición! / P5. Thanks to all the fans! #AragonGP #RepsolHondaTeam

Source: Dani Pedrosa on Facebook
P6 para la salida de mañana. Concentrado. / P6 for tomorrow’s start. Focused. #DP26 #AragonGP #RepsolHondaTeam

Source: Dani Pedrosa on Facebook
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