Queensland police and Transport Main Roads department officials will be on hand next month to answer riders’ questions on legislation, road rules, Australian Vehicle Standards and other topics.
The latest “Community Engagement Day” will be held on Saturday 16 February 2019 at Beechmont, between 8am-12pm.
Acting Sgt Adam Samuels says they will have a free barbecue for riders at the park where the hang gliders launch, opposite the new Flying Bean Cafe.
Questions and answers
Many riders may have questions about whether their tail tidy or handlebars are legal, but they may be reticent to approach the police for fear of being fined.
However, Adam assureds riders there is no need for concern about copping a fine.
“The event is for community engagement only not for enforcement,” he says.
“It’s about getting guys to come in and ask about their fender guards, exhausts and bars and clear stuff up.
“It gives them an opportunity to come in safely, knowing it is not about enforcement.
“They can ask questions and get ideas on what they can do to make sure their bike is legal. They can also book in with TMR for an inspection.”
North Upright

Operation North Upright has been operating in South East Queensland for the past couple of years.
Police say the operation is designed to “talk with any bike riders, give advice and listen to their concerns”.
Riders have claimed previous similar events have been accompanied by a high presence of police in the area, enforcing road rules and vehicle compliance.
Road Safety messages from Operation North Upright
- The faster you go, the harder you hit. And on a bike, you’ll always come off second‐best. The only thing speeding gets you closer to is a crash.
- Riding tired affects reaction times and impairs judgement. Take a break or don’t get on the bike if you’re tired.
- Ride to be seen and don’t assume you’re visible to everyone.
- Lane filtering is legal, remember to be safe and follow the road rules.
- Look after yourself and your bike. The right gear and regular maintenance can save your life.
- In 2017, 50 motorcyclists died and 953 were hurt or seriously injured in crashes on Queensland roads.
Online ‘Join the Drive’ resources:
Source: MotorbikeWriter.com