Rider t-bones another lane-filtering rider

A rider crossing a lane to filter between traffic t-bones another lane-filtering rider in this video released by the Queensland Department of Transport.

The Department posted the video on Facebook with this message:

You’re only allowed to lane filter in Queensland if you hold an open licence for the motorcycle you’re riding, your speed when filtering is 30km/h or less and it’s safe to do so.

We’re not sure if the riders are fully licensed, but they do not seem to be going over 30km/h.

As for the safety, the fact one t-bones the other seems to suggest it is not safe.

Illegal manoeuvre

Also, the rider on the right of the screen is illegally filtering up a merge lane and over painted chevrons.

Their message probably should have pointed that out.

You can only ride on a painted traffic island for up to 50m to enter or leave the road, enter a turning lane that begins immediately after the island or overtake a cyclist.

You must also not drive on a painted traffic island if the island is surrounded by double continuous lines and/or separates traffic flowing in the same direction—like an onramp in this situation.Lane filtering forum act extends bosch borders

RACQ safety officer and Bonneville rider Steve Spalding says it is not only against the law, but dangerous.

“The rider could find themselves trapped between merging vehicles with no room to escape the situation,” he says.

The rider also should have looked behind him when moving into the gap between the lanes.

There are many dangers as well as challenges in lane filtering, but one danger we may overlook is fellow lane-filtering riders.

Click here to find out how to filter safely with other riders.

Remember, riders are not obliged to lane filter. It is an option and they should only do it if they feel safe.

They should also study the rules in their state first as they vary from state to state.

Source: MotorbikeWriter.com

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